Monday, August 14, 2006
Ironic Wet Dream
I woke up from my nap, and realized that for me to have my own underdog story I first would have to lower myself. Sometimes as a white middle class male I feel I don't have much to fight for, except that ever present right to party. Oh I could fight racism, but it wouldn't really be my fight and I wouldn't really get it. I was somewhat exposed to the subtle racism of Minnesota. One time at thanksgiving my uncle made a comment during the football game that besides the quarterback, the kicker is really the only position "we" have any more. By we I hope he meant people smart enough to not get involved in physical altercations where harm and injury may occur. I may be considered a pussy, but I never got the idea of being harmed for a cause that had the possibility of death. This whole idea of nationalism is lost on me, and the phrase dying for your country seems a little counter-evolutionary. I thought the whole idea of life was to live eat and fuck. If I was born in a cave theoretically, and a huge animal was going to kill me unless I left the cave. I wouldn't say "bring it on you beast, I'll die for my cave" because where I live does not dictate what is important to me. I could die out in the cold but the I would be dying to live instead of dying trying to defeat something. If the United States was magically flooded 10 feet deep everywhere and Canada was somehow left high and dry, do you think all those people who would "die for thier country" would live on houseboats? I like how people try to identify thier allegiances, they talk about immigrants being loyal to the country or religious people saying they are christian or muslums first then American. I wonder if people were asked if they thought it was more important to be human or christian, what they would choose. Like if you told someone they could be a Christian Homo-Erectus or a athiest Homo-Sapien, what would they choose? I wonder if they would go for the less evolved believer. I mean I for one am human first and anything else is secondary. And the strongest instict I have known in my short life is sexual. I mean this isn't a suprise coming from a guy who wrote his state writing proficiency test about learning how procreation was the purpose in life. But I wonder if people realize that sex and self preservation are the strongest feelings at birth and the rest is mostly learned behavior.
I love the hypothetical questions about being born alone on a desert island. If you were born alone on a desert island would you on your own think of this "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor" as a rule to live by? I hope not, I hope language and ideas like that are learned. I would also argue that they would instinctualy have sexual relations with any other people who appeared on the island male female, chimp, you name it.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Congressional Circle Jerk

Congressional Circle Jerk
Category: News and Politics
P.S. A little food for thought
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
God Hates Porkchops
You ever feel like secularism is dying? like people in the united states more and more are basing thier political ideology on what they consider to be religious fact. Here is one concept that baffels me endlessly, the end of the world is in the bible. Yes if you read all the way to the end, it's near the back but the world will end. The huge collection of books in the Left Behind series that I've seen all over the place and have good ole Mike Sever staring in thier TV adaptation, is about the end of the world based on biblical teachings. So here is my dilema, how can you base your decisions on the word of God, when God is going to destroy the world some day. Like God really has any sort of control, I bet the earth to him is like a car someone build to race in a demolition derby. You think demo derby racers would get pissed if someone keyed thier car? "Hey asshole thanks keying up my car that I'm gonna go crash into a bunch of shit." When the Exxon/Valdez oil spill happened you think God was worried how it would effect people."Well those seagulls kept on shitting on my awsome beaches I created, I had to punish them" No God isn't ironically selecting believers and nonbeliever and treating them any differently. If God created a world that he was going to destroy, should we really be seeking his advice for how we try and make the world better? "Hey Rick Santorum, should we ban Gay Marriage?" "Yeah Gods gonna destroy the world sometime but until then we need to do what he says." If I though of God as the source that told everyone what to do he would be such a bad parent, he's the parent that makes eat your vegetables before he burns down your house with you inside." So lets make political decisions based on the bible something that has the end of the world in it. God gets mentioned endlessly on our Congressional floor, especially in the Gay marriage debate. Homosexuality is mentioned a couple times in a huge compilation called the bible. So is eating meat, I want to see some protestors out for that, where are all the conservative christians and the butcher shops annual pork sale."Sausages are from satan" or "God hates porkchops." It used to be against christian beliefs to lend money too, I guess it was only cool to ask people for money back then not give it out. Marriage is only religious because some guy in the church made it a sacrament way back when. You know what else is a sacrament, drinking wine, thats right it's all a buch of differnt little ceremonies that someone decided to make important and we all follow along cause of the bible. Everytime I drink wine I wave my fingers over it beforehand, then I get drunk, that hangover in the morning is just Jesus punishing me I think. "Say two hail mary's and a glory B, then get drunk and have a Jesus hangover."
I think the message from God always gets screwed up. I always ask if people want to leave a message when I tell them other people aren't at home. I get the details wrong here and there, like they wanted you to call them back but at 4 instead of 8 or meet them at Gary's instead of Greg's. I think God must have a pretty complicated message he's trying to tell people and they just keep fucking it up, maybe God speaks a tough language that soundsweird, likemaybe it sounds like two wildabeasts having sex in a monsoon. I mean don;t you think it might be hard to dechpher that message. Maybe the people who wrote the bible kept screwing it up, maybe they were a lot like the student in Spanish class who keep asking the teacher to slow down. "como se what??"