Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Pope my Ride
I decided to try and help the new pope's image, by making a new TV show for him. The show is Pope my ride. I think it would only be fitting that it be hosted by Bishop Desmond Tutu, since he's the coolest thing the church has got. So Desmon Tutu goes to someones house in the ghetto, and picks out the biggest beater of a carhe can find. He then tell the person at the house that they are gonna pope thier ride, before the person has time to figure out who the british sounding black guy in funny hat is, he's off to a repair shop. At the repair shop they will proceed to mount a large bulletproof clear box on the roof of the car. This box will have a comfortable chair and a sliding panel, to shake tall peoples hand as you drive by. This will be a great edition for any G-thangs, because if you have a bulletproof box on your car, you would be invincible in drive by shootings. The downside being not too many people would have a hard time identifying what car did it. So after they get the roof finished, they would put embroiderd crosses all over the seats, the painting of the Sistine Chape lon the inside roof, and a bobblehead Jesus on the dashboard. Then in the trunk, where the bumps(speakers) usually go, the erect a bling bling shrine to the Virgin Mary, candels, rosary , the whole sheebang. The steering wheel and passenger dash will then have the airbags taken out and replaced with Holy water that drenches you in case of an accident. Lets face it if you are in a pope-mobile and your in an accident? I mean if its your time to go, then it's your time to go and no airbags are going to save you, but you will at least go out being able to cross yourself one last time. Of course the comedy of the show will be when the people see the car, and start saying "ahhh shit" but it will bleeped out. Desmond Tutu will them inform them to to 3 Hail Marys and 2 Glory Be's. Of course it will end with said customer looking at the camera and saying "thanks pope."