Sunday, May 01, 2005


Baths are great

I was just taking a bath, and I just really enjoyed it. I get a lot of good thinking done when I'm taking a bath, same with sitting on the toilet. There must be something to being naked and alone that is inspiring. For instance while I was taking a bath I came up with my own personal demonstration of the effects of global warming, I just lay flat on my back and stick my belly out of the water in the air, so thats some island nation. Then I shift my body weight side to side to get the water moving, then right there I have the tides simulated, then I show the water level slowly rising. and eventually I suck in my gut and everthing is gone. Then the bast part was I hadn't eaten breakfast yet, so my stomach started grumbling, and it sounded the what dolphins do underwater. You know when your at the zoo and you go in the tunnel and you see them from underneath, and you can hear that hollow "erhe ehere" noise. Well in the demonstration that was the dolphins crying about the sinking of the island, because we all know dophins hate global warming. This is why baths are great, when I am older I want to have a bathtub so big I can just curl up in a ball and float there. Then I could re inact all my favorite scenes from "look who's talking." Because that movie it just awsome, whoever wrote that should have won a pullitzer prize or something, I mean fetus's that talk? thats complete genius, I'm suprised pro lifers haven't used that movie as propaganda to stop abortion, I mean Pat Robertson has really fallen asleep at the wheel if he dosen't get on that. But I was thinking I could exploit the issue of talking fetus' to show off my talents. So my next big project is putting on an off broadway existential play. The plot line will be that there are two twin babies discussing the topics of life and death and if it means anything, because the mother that they are inside is sitting in a abortion clinic waiting room. I know it will probably be controversial enough to put me on some lame talk show on MSNBC like "Donny Deutch" or something. Sarte would have been proud I'm sure, and in the end of the movie that some independent studio will do based on the play, I'll have at the end of the credits "thanks to all the bath tubs out there." So remember you heard it here first.
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