Sunday, May 22, 2005


3 ideas you like to think were real

Cherry Coke, not your garden variety soda like your thinking, but instead a hybruid of the cocoa leaf and a cherry tree, this will create Cherry coke, this will become insanley popular once superstars Paris Hilton discover it, and hold huge parties where everyone is snorting a light red colored cocaine. The words firstout of the paris' mouth heard were "oh my God, it's like I O'd and went to drug heaven, pink cocaine, thats hot."

Star Wars went overboard trying to create memrobelia for the last movie, coming out with the Darth Mauler double sided dildo, yeah thats right its a double sided dildo shaped like the light saber used by the Sith warrior. It's a hit with all the true porno geeks.

A friend of mine told me he asked a native american if they were a NAC member (native american church) and he immeaditley responded "no I don't know where to get you any peyote" because peyote is a leagal drug in thier religion. Which make me think that I bet Inuit people get alot of kids on the street asking them if they have any Narwhale. Like man I just had a big barbecue and I'm all out, could you hook a boy up with some whale. I mean I'm sure Iniut get it all the time.
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