Monday, April 25, 2005
My ears are burning
I have a sinking suspicion that the people who write worksheets, you know the annoying things your folder get stuffed with in High School, that the people who write worksheets also are in charge of instruction booklets for putting small household goods together. The instruction booklets that make no sense, you know they have all these pictures and diagrams but no English to explain what that red arrow pointing to that one screw in the corner means. I mean these people must get some sort of kick out of watching people put things together while pulling out their hair because your never quite sure if you did it the right way. the thing is too there always seems to be one or two small parts left over at the end, it looks perfectly fine but you have a small nut and some piece of plastic that you had 6 others of when you started. Then you sit and debate if you take it apart to put these pieces in the right place, or do you wait a couple month down the road till when the thing you just constructed falls apart completely. It's one of the most infuriating things, which is how I feel about work sheets, you know the ones that some paragraph about Jimmy scraping his knee while skateboarding, and his mom gets mad, anyways it's some bullshit story, then the first three questions are this "Do you think Jimmy was........? Why or Why not? Explain?" This is the biggest complaint I have about worksheets, there is no reason for me to care about Jimmy or his skateboard, I would always answer things like this odd reasons, for the Why or Why not? "does willie loman seem do be a respectable character? why or why not? explain?" I would eventually get so frustrated with these type of questions I would put things like "No, he seems like a pussy, just like my uncle Steve who talks a big game but when it comes to trying to out eat me during Thanksgiving, but now can only sit and cry about his past victories while he is nothing more then a small old former version of himself."
worksheets give you the same increase in blood pressure as instruction booklets