Sunday, February 12, 2006
End of Taboo
I like to think there are some subjects that have been ended as taboo, but it's fun to think about how you reacted to them when you were in junior high. My first example is female masturbation, if a female mentioned in conversation that she masturbated , I wouldn't think give it a seconds thought, well maybe a second. but it wouldn;t really chage or but any notions in my head about her because I understand how the world works and the truth is that some women masturbate. But this is how boys immeadiatly reeact in high school when they hear that same information. They run to the closest group of friends and say "Holy shit, guess what I just heard" of course your face is in a unending grin the whole time. "Dude I just found out Laura masturbates" They would immediatley give you this doubting look and say "No way" but you keep going "No i heard it from a reliable source... Three times a week or so" and you all begin to laugh and look rediculous for the fact that you found out the females masturbate. Man I love taboo, great board game.